Part 48: Exposition
Chapter 48 - ExpositionLast time, we had finally acquired the Keystone and were heading out to the [Temple of Ancients].

We're forced, however, to catch a break.

Ah, Cloud, you're such a gentleman and a scholar.

Which is good. After almost 50 chapters, this is a good time for us to review what we know so far.

Nothing bad can come out of this.

The game, as a matter of fact, has the same idea we do.

So let's relax and enjoy the game-sponsored plot dump.

You'd wonder what the fuck is a gigantic robot toy doing with us. If you ask me, he's the one who's got things to explain.

I like to imagine Cid doesn't really care. He's just pretending this is some vacation from crazy, slowly realizing that he was deadly wrong.

This is what I felt playing Xenogears.

He flies and he can cross oceans by walking. No, I don't mean swimming. I mean walking. It'd be hard finding him if he didn't stop by every city and told people where he's going.

I'm sure he'll tell people about it when he finds the place too, so we're cool.

At some point you start wondering what the Cetra really wanted. Were they super-hippies who wanted to commune with dead spirits?

Don't they return to the planet? And if Mako is just the spirits of the dead, does that mean the Cetra were a bunch of crazy cultists?

Fine, I'm overanalysing things. It's really simple. The Cetra were humans who could use magic naturally and commune with the spirits. They had a society based around that.

Doesn't sound entirely literal.

Sounds like the Promise Land is just the place you like to live and historians were taking things too literally.

And Sephiroth is the craziest of them all. Or at least that's what we're inclined to believe.

Ok, we love making jokes about this subject, but the dude went to a theme park asking people "Have you seen a Black Materia?" He can't be normal.

This may sound a stupid question, but...

Tifa raises a good point.

The thing is, I'm pointing out some unresolved plot issues...

But it's not like they are (right now) plot holes.

The characters don't know what the fuck either.

It's fun seeing them trying to connect the dots.

Quite frankly, it's something I miss.

At some point games started spewing the same GO FORWARD WE'LL BEAT THE ENEMIES WITH FRIENDSHIP crap over and over.

That, and "epic" overarching stories which are an excuse to "no character development". This has been very present in movies too.

But I'll stop ranting.

What we've learned from this is - no one knows what the fuck.

The only thing we can agree is that Sephiroth is downright crazy. Hell, Kefka is a crazy psychopath, but at least his plan makes sense (and works). I vote that Sephiroth is the craziest one here.

And we also know that everyone (except maybe for Barret and Red XIII) is hiding something. Yuffie is still with us because she wants our Materia and who knows what's going on with Tifa, Aeris, Vincent and Cait.

She doesn't even try to hide it.

Why is no one asking Cait Sith questions.

I love the ghosts in the foreground playing fake chess.

A valid thing to worry.

He can't be crazier than the guys talking to a cat, though.

Momma AVALANCHE in action.

This is why you should always recruit Vincent.

These ghosts own.

It seems Cloud can't sleep. He hears a click - his room door opens.

Who might it be?
Next Time:
CLIFFHANGERS! Who's visiting Cloud at this time in the night? Will we finally get to the Temple of the Ancients? Don't miss it!